Sunday, April 4, 2010

The day my hair dryer set itself on fire

Today is my one week anniversary in Zurich! Don't worry, I'm not going to be one of those girls who celebrates every weekly/bi-weekly/monthly anniversaries. But today is monumental because in honor of my anniversary, I have officially become the first person to own a hair dryer that set itself on fire. I know you have questions, so I'll explain the whole scenario by way of a Q&A, where I'll preempt all questions you have and answer them the best way I can. If I have missed any, please let me know and I'll address them too. So, here goes:

Q: *Sigh*. It is technologically impossible for a hair dryer to set itself on fire. What did you do this time?
A: Ha. I'll tell you exactly what happened. It was a fine spring morning (ok, it was really a cold, cloudy morning, but work with me here). I had just taken a shower and was getting ready to face the world with a smile on my face. Slight digression: I LOVE my shower! It has just the right amount of pressure to feel as if you are receiving a gentle massage, but not so much that you feel like someone is slapping your face. Anyway, as I plugged in my hair dryer and turned it on, it started to glow on the inside. There was a fiery orange glow. Odd, I thought, and so I turned it off. I thought about it some more and concluded that it always had that glow and that I had just never noticed it until now. So I turned it back on. The glow started to get more and more orange. Then, smoke started to come out of the back of the dryer. Concerned, I turned it off. Little did I know that that would be the last time I'd ever get to see my hair dryer in working condition again. The insides of my dryer had burned to a crisp. And now, my hair will never be the same again.

Q: You are an idiot. Don't know you know that Europe has a different voltage system than the US? What did you expect?
A: Aha, I *knew* you would say that!I had already set another electronic device on fire when I was in London a few years ago, but back then I was young and dumb. I am now old and only slightly less dumb. This is the hair dryer I have. If you look closely at the specs, it says dual voltage. I know this because I checked right before I left. Thus, it would have been impossible for said hair dryer to set itself on fire.

Q: Well, color me impressed. So what do you think happened?

A: I wish I could color you impressed. Read the above answer carefully: I'm only slightly less dumb. What I neglected to mention is that my hair dryer is over five years old. So even though the latest model is dual voltage, my older one, as I tragically learned, is decidedly not. So, now I am dryerless in Zurich, without any idea on how to rectify this tragic situation. Do I buy a new one here? Do I buy a new one online, ship it to a New York coworker, and beg/plead/bribe him/her into bringing it with them when they come here? How do I survive until then? What is my purpose in life?

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I did a bit of local exploration this weekend, and also managed to fit in a trip to Luzern. Stay tuned for details and pictures. Hope you had a fire-free Easter!


  1. Awe! I had a long satisfying relationship with my Remington hair dryer which unfortunately started smoking and making weird noises. I figured it was a one time thing and then it started up again and realized it was time to say goodbye to Remy.

    So it may or may not have been the dual voltage thingie, it could be that it just got old!

    However, I did find a new hair dryer that I love and it's a smaller and foldable Conair in my fav color purple. It's got nice sweet settings. So I know you will find an awesome hair dryer in Zurich!

    PS: My word verification was Manies. Umm how weird...

  2. Okay, so all my comments that I posted earlier seem to have disappeared (I'm sure I managed to screw something up- let's face it, it's my speciality). But anyway, my point was the let you know that you are in fact not the only person to ever set their hairdryer on fire. You are in very good company (meaning me).

  3. Oh I have no idea what happened with the comments. I changed the colors and the layout a bit, but I have a very destructive relationship with technology, so I'm sure I managed to cause said disappearance of comments. Sorry!

  4. Or it's entirely possibly I wrote them in disappearing/reappearing cyber ink. Let's not rule that out just yet.

  5. It is technologically impossible for a hair dryer to set itself on fire. ...

  6. thank for your great content sir hair dryers
